A series of practical articles aimed at disputes in a venture capital context
VC can sometimes seem like the exciting younger sibling of PE and M&A, the more established actors in the acquisitions drama…
Take a look at the regular articles and insights, covering a wide range of tech-related topics, from our expert team at CYK Tech.
VC can sometimes seem like the exciting younger sibling of PE and M&A, the more established actors in the acquisitions drama…
Start-ups often have a dramatic quality lacking elsewhere in the staid world of business. An idea is conjured up out of thin air by…
In the world of investments, the algorithms have been in the ascendancy for a long time now. By some reports, around 80% of…
Otto von Bismarck is said to have observed that “laws are like sausages — it is best not to see them being made”…
Much of the value of a startup is in the intangible assets, chiefly the IP and knowhow of the team. But it is also often found in…
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